Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Despair In The Departure Lounge

Carrying on the topic of airflight disasters, the 'black box' of the airplane is crucial to identifying the cause of that certain incident. Unfortunately in the recent disaster, the 'blackbox' might not be found thanks to the wide scope and the depth of the ocean. And did you know that the 'black box' is actually orange in color? Bet you didn't know that. You learn a new thing everyday. Anyway, here's a conversation that was caught in the 'black box' of an airplane that touched my heart.

Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 529 August 21, 1995—Carrollton, Georgia 21 minutes into its flight, Flight 529’s left engine has fallen apart or exploded. Parts of the propeller blades are wedged against the wing and the front part of the cowling is destroyed. The captain and seven passengers will die. The copilot will survive with burns over 80% of his body.

Captain. [To copilot] Help me. Help me hold it. Help me hold it. Help me hold it.

Cabin: [Vibrating sound of the stick shaker starts warning of stall.]

Copilot: Amy, I love you.

Cabin: [Sound of grunting; sound of impact.]

End of tape.

Damn sad. :(

[Source: Wikipedia]

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