Sunday, December 6, 2009


I love quotes. One of my favorite quote of late is by a 'friend' of mine that plays football in USJ 20. He's I think in form 4. He's a little bit nerdy. A tremendous footballer. And he said this to someone's dad. "Fuck you la Uncle." It was so random, I burst out laughing. The said uncle didn't do anything about it. I think he felt it to be funny since it came out from such an innocent boy. Lol.

On another note, I love the words people use nowadays. In the old days, people used to say "Aku tackle mamat ni, pastu kaki dia patah sial." Now though, there are various synonyms for the word 'tackle'. For instance, "Aku PARAP/TAJI/CANTAS/TAPAK mamat ni, pastu kaki dia patah sial." Wtf.

My current favorite though is from my friend, Tarmizi. I don't know where he got this from but he claims it's from his uni mates. You know that situation when some people are a little bit emotional about certain things and we brand them names such as emo. Well, Tarmizi has his own way of saying it. Irtos or better known as Irrrr. How to use it in words? The prime example would be just saying "Irrrr." whenever someone says something provocative. "Bodoh sial kau ni." The immediate reply would be "Irrrr." Another one is "Terbaik" or "Paling baik". Just add the letters 'ter' and 'paling' to another and it becomes sort of funny.

That's all for today. IRRRR.

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