I don't know if I'm eligible for this contest but I really want to win those tickets. Well, to win them I need to share my secrets with you guys. A secret that I don't want to share because it might change the world. As Leonardo DiCaprio, Dom Cobb, said "A single idea from the human mind can build cities, an idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules."
Some examples of ideas that have changed the way we perceive certain things are like the innovation of the iPod, iPhone and iPad. I might sound like an Apple fanboy but trust me, I'm not. Now for my idea that I would like to keep in my mind so that people don't steal it.
Well, obviously I don't want people to know of it. If I tell you people, you guys would just copy me and win the tickets for yourself. Ideas are not meant to be stolen. Ideas make people distinctive from one another, which is why you need to give me the tickets so that I could share it with you guys and we can rewrite all the rules!
Oh hey sexy.. Surprise! =D
Lol. Super late reply? But who is this? Hahahah.
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