Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Imagine doing your first sky dive. Your adrenaline is pumped. You just can't wait to get off that plane to experience something new. A different form of floating to a certain extent. Having the wind brush against your face making you look rather foolish. You jump off that plane, WOOOOOOO. Everything seems fine. You get that adrenaline rush everyone's talking about. The time to pull your chute has come, but it gets jammed. You panic. But then you realise that you still have your reserve. All havoc restored. Not really. Your reserve also jammed up. The chute got stuck under your main one. Now you get all panicky. You start having flashes of your 46 years of living. You suddenly pray to God. Most probably, in a matter of seconds, you die. I mean, what are the odds of surviving a freefall 30,000 feet?

But believe or not, people have survived from that high up. It's incredible actually.
Check this out.

Thats all. The post was planned better in my head. It looks crap now. But what the hell.

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