Friday, September 18, 2009

Something New

Recently, I acquired a new phone. I'm not gonna tell what phone I bought but yes, I have a new phone. It's been a week since I have owned this phone. So far, so good (touch wood). The touch has been good. Typing sms's has not been a problem. The browser too is good. Youtube is surprisingly fast. Now since I have this phone, I've been reading up a lot about it. Trying to get maximum use of it. So in theory, I should be an iPhone hater. So since I'm a convert now. Here's a picture to prove that I truly hate the iPhone. Bare in mind, I have an iPod Touch. I still love it. Sorry for hating your sibling. I still love you iPod Touch.*I got this picture from some site. So read this properly. THIS IS PICTURE IS NOT DERIVED FROM MY CREATIVE MIND. DON'T SUE ME. THANK YOU.
*To those who are a little bit slow, the iPhone does not have video calling capabilities. And my phone has. Hence the picture. Thank you.
*Sorry Kak Long. Thank you.


syuhidayah said...

cheh !!
should have read this post well before i gave duit raya :p

Nash said...

Hahah. Too bad.