You know, I still have a headache after having that shot to my face. It's been a full day. This must be how a hangover feels like. Anyway, today has been a really productive day. Completed a number of things and feel really really good about how the day ended.
In two days, I witnessed two fights. One fight was between a friend and a neighbour over football issues. The other is between my guinea pigs. Can't believe they actually fought over dominance. Apparently, that's how they settle their superiority. I don't get this craze on fighting. I mean, why do people fight. And when I mean fight, I mean the physical blood shed type of fights. Yes, certain fights can lead to productive closures but what about fights that have no meaning at all; fighting about girlfriends, fighting about accidentely bumping into one another, fighting about tables, well you get the drift, fighting about things not worth fighting about.
I have never been in a fight, though I have in some cases lost my temper but I have never actually been in a fist fight for that matter. It doesn't resolve any conflict but only increases the tension already witnessed in the first place. What good can fighting or even 'better' gang fights bring to you? A broken bone perhaps? Maybe a few bruises to show for your stupidty? If any person has a certain disagreement with another, it is best to stay away from potential physical harm but just resolve the said issue in a more gentleman conduct; talking. And I don't mean talking in a loud manner but just plain talk. People underestimate the powers of words. Debaters would put these so called warriors to shame.
Like every piece of writing, a moral is extracted from it. I guess it's pretty obvious what I aim to tell people. As the saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword.
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