You know I had this very weird dream. I was at a battlefield, getting ready for war. My brother went to war the previous day so I was kinda nervous about it. I didn't know who we were fighting but I was shit scared. I saw the preview of the war and I saw so many people killed. I got scared. I packed my armor, newspaper ( I don't know why I did that), and some other stuff. Anyway, it was freaking jihad. Hahahahah.

On another note, I got kicked in the face two days in a row. Yesterday some foreigner kicked me right in the forehead. Today, Indian Messi kicked the ball at my face. Damn painful. What are the odds I get kicked again tomorrow. And my dad said I shouldn't play football anymore. Hahaha. Gila protective.
I've spent my weekends at home. It wasn't a totally dull weekend though. Lots of drama. Hopefully all is resolved though. I have finally finished watching Season 4 and Season 5 of How I Met Your Mother and Desperate Housewives respectively. I now have nothing to look forward to, tv show wise. I assume many people are having the same problems as me since a number of the tv shows are either in their season finale or have finished the filming of the season. I guess it's exam month everywhere.
Yea, this post is jumbled up. But I have a headache. Getting kick does have that effect on you. Tomorrow's post will be better though.
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